# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 IUSE="" inherit linux-mod eutils DESCRIPTION="A linux (2.6-) kernel driver for Hauppauge's WinTV-PVR-usb2" HOMEPAGE="http://www.isely.net/pvrusb2.html" SRC_URI="http://www.isely.net/downloads/pvrusb2-mci-20051208.tar.bz2 http://www.eskimo.com/~roger/files/packages/pvrusb2/pvrusb2.f1.bz2 http://www.eskimo.com/~roger/files/packages/pvrusb2/pvrusb2.f2.bz2" # Check for the above firmwares. # If not found, instruct installer to get them by using fwextract.pl # and copying them into /usr/portage/disfiles # NOTE: The two firmware* files are stripped from a proprietory win32 driver! LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86" RDEPEND=">=sys-apps/hotplug-20040923" DEPEND="" S=${WORKDIR}/pvrusb2-mci-20051208 # Need something to check for non-existing tuner.ko & tveeprom.ko modules if so, # then install all the modules. Maintainer of pvrusb2 prefers users using kernel # maintained tuner & tveeprom code! # ie. src_install # CONFIG_CHECK="bttv848" then install only pvrusb2.ko MODULE_NAMES="msp3400(msp3400:) pvrusb2(pvrusb2:) saa7115(saa7115:) tuner(tuner:) tveeprom(tveeprom:)" BUILD_PARAMS="KERNEL_DIR=${KV_DIR}" pkg_setup() { if kernel_is 2 6; then # You can try uncommenting "!VIDEO_BT848" but it's modules # are not working with pvrusb2 & me. # I'm marking it as a conflict as pvrusb2 provides tveeprom & tuner modules. CONFIG_CHECK="USB !VIDEO_BT848" else "You need kernel-2.6 for this module to work" fi linux-mod_pkg_setup } src_unpack() { unpack ${A} # If you use Mythtv, enabling interlacing will significantly # reduce cpu usage. Enter PVRUSB2="interlace" to make it so. if [[ $PVRUSB2 = "interlace" ]]; then cd ${S}/driver epatch ${FILESDIR}/interlace_enable.patch fi cd ${S} } src_compile() { unset ARCH cd ${S}/driver emake || die "Error: emake failed!" cd ${S}/ivtv emake || die "Error: emake failed!" } src_install() { # Make install doesn't work # Let's do the module install manually. #cd ${S}/driver insinto "/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/pvrusb2" doins ${S}/driver/pvrusb2.ko #cd ${S}/ivtv insinto "/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/pvrusb2" doins ${S}/ivtv/msp3400.ko doins ${S}/ivtv/saa7115.ko doins ${S}/ivtv/tuner.ko doins ${S}/ivtv/tveeprom.ko insinto "/lib/firmware/" doins ${WORKDIR}/pvrusb2.f1 doins ${WORKDIR}/pvrusb2.f2 dodoc ${S}/LICENSE.TXT dodoc ${S}/README dohtml ${S}/doc/pvrusb2-eeprom.html dohtml ${S}/doc/pvrusb2-faq.html dohtml ${S}/doc/pvrusb2-utils.html dohtml ${S}/doc/pvrusb2.html dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}/doc insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/doc dodoc ${S}/doc/README dodoc ${S}/doc/controls.txt dodoc ${S}/doc/notes.txt dodoc ${S}/doc/protocol-info.txt dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}/misc insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/misc doins ${S}/misc/* dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}/utils insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/utils doins ${S}/utils/* #echo "post-install pvrusb2 /sbin/modprobe pvrusb2 >& /dev/null 2>&1 || :" } pkg_postinst() { linux-mod_pkg_postinst einfo "1) To autoload pvrusb2, add 'pvrusb2' to" einfo " /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6.x" echo einfo "2) Add hotplug pacakge to the boot runlevel" einfo " for added automation." echo }